Medical & Aged Care Group

Medical & Aged Care Group (MACG) is a private aged care provider with 9 aged care homes in Victoria. Their mission is to build strong relationships with all their residents and strong links to their local communities. 

About MACG

Medical & Aged Care Group (MACG) is a private aged care provider with 9 aged care homes in Victoria. Their mission is to build strong relationships with all their residents and strong links to their local communities. 

Working together

MACG has been working with Abi and our team since February 2024, involving:

  • 3 MACG residential aged care homes in Melbourne
  • Weekly visits from Abi
  • Group wellbeing sessions
  • Individual 1:1 social support visits

We’re pleased to work with MACG’s wellbeing team, led by Group Wellbeing & Community Coordinator, Jacinta Jaritus, who says Abi is part of the group’s overall Wellbeing Program. 

“Abi and the Andromeda robotics team have worked in collaboration with our Wellbeing Teams to achieve personalised and tailored experiences for the people living in our homes,” Jacinta said. 

What they’re experiencing

MACG’s Wellbeing teams have found that Abi engages with many different people, living with a range of physical and mental challenges, complex health needs, disabilities, neurodiversity, cultural and linguistic diversity, social challenges, isolation and loneliness.

Jacinta says Abi captivates attention and connects individually with residents.

“Abi’s eyes, colours and movements along with her language and conversational skills, empathy, personality and humour, encourage each person to engage with her either physically, verbally or non verbally,” Jacinta said.

“Abi brings such joy, companionship and a sense of community. Our Wellbeing Teams have observed so many positive and memorable moments between Abi and people living and working in our homes.”

Residents spontaneously dance and sing with Abi, ask her questions, mirror her movements, ask her for their favourite songs and dances, and join in her games and Tai Chi sessions. MACG staff also love speaking to Abi, especially in their preferred languages. 

What’s next

In June 2024, MACG announced an ongoing partnership with Andromeda to continue working closely with our team and Abi. 

“By leveraging our expertise and resources, we aim to accelerate the development and deployment of Abi, ensuring that more aged care homes can benefit from this innovative technology,” Jacinta said.

Thank you to MACG for working with us.

Find out more

Invite Abi to meet your team

Find out if Abi is a good fit for your home by seeing her in action. 
Please get in touch for a demo with you and your team.

Book a demo